4 sty Brand New Shop NEW CHINA TOWN @ RAJA UDA

Jalan Raja Uda, Taman Sin Tat, Butterworth, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia


👋Hi *老板老板娘们* , 请注意⚠️一个让人万众瞩目的全新商业店屋 ❗️
( *_Good Day !!! Share With You New Pre-Launch【 Shop Lot 】_* )

▶️ 位於 *北海@Raja Uda* 【全新唐人街⛩主题商业店屋】🔥 *_NEW CHINA TOWN @ RAJA UDA_* 🔥
▶️ 具有4层楼商店🏬 【 *_2 storey of 2 mezzanine floors_* 】
▶️ 💰售价只需 RM160 多万起💰 ( *_Selling Price RM 1.6 mil onwards_* )

💰最具投资价值的 Penang@北海 最新企业地点
( *_The Most Valuable Investment_* )
🚕 地点位置卓越方便通往大道
( *_Excellent Location Convenient Access to Main Road_* )
🚦 完善的交通规划抵达各个单位
( *_Perfect traffic planning arrives all unit_* )
🚗 备有宽敞的道路使用体验和停车范围
( *_ spacious road experience and parking area_* )
🏢 建构面积为 3,000 sqft ( *_3000sqft_* )
✅ Freehold & Individual Title
🈶 包租客,月收租金高达RM 6500 以上
( *_Guaranteed Rental Return up to RM 6500 and above_* )

🙋‍♂️ *Donald 016-9320621*

Location map